It is fundamental in shamanic practices to create a sacred atmosphere that provides a state of consciousness to secure entry into a particular Power Grid, the Creation of Sacred Space.
The establishment of a magical moment.
To achieve his goals, the shaman travels worlds invisible to ordinary reality, recovers lost traces of the soul of his patients, knows the workings of universal energy, uses the power of stones and plants and animals, evokes ancestral spirits, uses instruments of power, circles, totems, dances, meditations, sacrifices, etc.
According to Stephen Larsen, myths arise from rituals, or are enclosed in rituals. Rituals are the materialization of myths. If we are unaware of our myths, they can turn into unintentional rituals.
Very repetitive rituals become mythic beliefs, or provoke them, which is why they are used for the perpetuation of religious systems.
Campbell wrote: “Myths are the mental support of rites; these, the physical representation of myths. That is, ritual is a way of experiencing the myth.
In traditional societies, the relationship of myth to life is evidenced by groups. From the womb to the grave, the inner stages of maturation are marked by corresponding rites - including puberty, marriage, and birth.
Our ancestors knew the developmental stages and rituals necessary to create a mythical framework of transformations for the growing psyche.
Rites, rituals, celebrations and ceremonies have been part of human history since the earliest days, and they exist today. Ceremonies and rituals are expressed in art, artifacts, and rock inscriptions
The way we live our lives, our daily routines, can be considered ceremonies: in birthdays, weddings, baptisms, inaugurations, etc. and rituals: in repetitive actions and daily events such as brushing our teeth, having lunch, combing our hair, praying, etc.
People from many cultures have multiple ways to express ritual and ceremonies through customs, costumes, dances, food or drinks, musical instruments, festivals and so on.
Using a classic definition of ceremony: an act or formal series of acts prescribed by rituals, protocols, conventions. Formal activities conducted on any solemn or important occasion. Formal collective gestures.
Ritual: Order of words and deeds prescribed for a ceremony. An act or a repeated formal series of acts. A ceremonial action. A procedure established for a religious or other rite. A system of religious rites.
In this way, ritual and ceremony are used to serve, worship, honor or impress God, Goddesses, Supreme Being, Gurus, Saints, guides or teachers for praise, praise, thanks and supplication.
A ritual is made up of a sequence of words and deeds that connect participants with a particular power network (egregore). In religious rituals the covenant between men and the Godhead is renewed. In its purpose to help concentration, visualization and thought force, where the mental state and knowledge of drivers is fundamental.
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