Apurina People
The Apurinã people, spread across territories along the Purus River in Brazil,...
Caboclo Collection
The Caboclos of the Amazon are a unique cultural group formed from...
Forcå Collection
Our Forçå Hapé collection is a line of ceremonial Hapé created with...
Hapé Samplers & Kits
Our Hapé Sample Kits and Sets offer a unique opportunity to experience...
Huni Kuin (Kaxinawá) People
The Kaxinawá belong to the Pano linguistic family that inhabits the tropical...
Katukina People
Just as in the ‘games’ they hold nowadays – abbreviated forms of...
Kuntanawa People
The Kuntanawa were supposedly exterminated during the armed persecutions of the indigenous...
Kuripes & Tepis ( Individual & Shared Applicators)
Kuripes and Tepis are the traditional name for Hapé applicators. This devices...
Nukini People
The Nukini form part of the group of Pano-speaking peoples that inhabit...
Phasing Out Products 40% OFF
Our retiring products with an impressive discount of 40% off.
Shanenawa People
The Shanenawa people, native to the Acre region of Brazil, are part...
Shawadawa People
The Shawãdawa people, also known as the Arara or "Macaw People," are...
Smudging Botanicals
Our Smudging Botanicals Collection offers a carefully curated selection of sacred plants...