It is interesting to note that in various cultures there is agreement regarding the location of openings in the spiritual body, although there are differences regarding the number of openings and their functions.
The life energy is passed through the inspiration and we leave our physical body through the exhalation. Breath is not only vital for the physical body, it is the food of the soul.
Our life force is also known as mana, prana, chi, ki, etc. It is extracted from cosmic energy through breathing and absorbed into body energy and refined by the chakras or energy centers before being distributed to the subtle physical body.
In each * inspiration, * we take energy from channels called in the east of nadis.
There are three larger energy channels, one located in the center column line and two intertwined around that center channel.
The right side channel or * Pingala * carries positive current and the left side channel or “Ida” carries negative current. They form a side-by-side zigzag movement of the central channel or * Sushumna *, which carries neutral current.
This right channel carries the energy of the sun. It brings male, verbal, rational energy. The left channel, on the other hand, transports the energy of the moon, feminine in nature, emotional.
The intertwining of these channels is the symbol that magic knows as * Caduceus of Mercury *, which is represented by 2 snakes, one black and one white, dancing around a wand, which later became the symbol of medicine.
Human energy centers are located along the line of the spine, which accumulates thin light of energy from whose aura it is composed.
Energy comes through the breath, is taken from the energy channels and centers, vitalizing the physical body through the blood, nervous system and endocrine glands.
Energy centers, as well as physical organs, can be damaged. They may need brightness and intensity. They can also be expanded and active. Emotional trauma, fear anxiety, stress, grief are among the most common causes of malfunctioning centers.
Each center has a particular function, and they reflect the individual quality of life. Activation of the centers is also achieved through thoughts.More spiritual people broaden their centers more than a person compromised by materialistic thoughts. The expansion of these centers is the expansion of consciousness itself, promoting the individual with discernment and recognizing other realms of existence within himself.
Underfoot is the bottom of the auric cocoon (root chakra) and the crown above the auric dome (crown chakra) is concerned with controlling the energy system, blending with them within the auric field of the earth.
The root chakra, as the name implies, is like the root of a tree.
The crown chakra receives sunbeams. The root one connects us with the energies of the earth. So we as individuals are polarized between the sun and the earth.
The crown is the chakra that has the Sun inside, and we can experience this as soon as the center of consciousness knows how to draw this energy from the Sun as the "Higher Self" or the "Higher Self".
Root Chakra
Located below the feet in the auric cocoon. From where we receive energy from Mother Earth. It binds us to the earth, like the roots of a tree.
Of the eight central powers, there is one between the ankles whose function is related to movement and balance. Its color is dark red.
Located at the bottom of the spine, its function is to energize the physical body. This is where the kundalini lies, which is the latent energy. It concerns our physical well-being, our basic safety, survival instinct. Where the ancestral memory is stored. When our basic safety is shaken, it releases adrenaline into the bloodstream. Reacts to any kind of stress, preparing us for fight or flight. His name in Sanskrit is * Muladhara Chakra *. It is linked with the adrenal glands. Vigorous tribal dances accompanied by drums stimulate this center.
The basic chakra also has a connection with a cellular substance in the physical body and governs the kidneys and spine. It responds primarily in medium red color and its functional meaning is elimination.
Located below the navel and is generally referred to as the * sexual chakra *. It internalizes the gonads that govern the reproductive system and influence the sex life. It shows emotionally how we feel about each other. It responds in orange and its functional meaning is reproduction. In Sanskrit: * Swadhisthana Chakra *
It is related to the sexual organs. This center can be stimulated with sensual and strong dances.
Located just above the navel, plexus means net / station. It is concerned with the absorption of sunlight and distributes this energy through a thin and complex network throughout the body. It is linked with the digestive system and pancreas, the organ that controls the blood sugar balance, and the conversion of food that is being digested into nutrients the body can use. The pancreas secretes insulin, which is the vital chemical in controlling body metabolism. The solar plexus is functional in growth and balance. From its center it connects us to all other living things. Answers in yellow.
In Sanskrit * Manipura Chackra *. It is related to the digestive organs. Dances that arouse emotions or marches stimulate this center. HEART CHAKRA
It is in the chest area, known as the heart chakra. It is the center of related desire for love, affection, devotion, and compassionate actions. It is linked to the heart, the blood, the circulation and the thymus.
The heart chakra is the center of distribution of the magnetic energies of life. As organ makes the central physical distribution of the blood of life. Its functional meaning is love and emotional energies. Responds in the color green / pink
In Sanskrit * Anahata Chackra *. Natural sounds of whales and dolphins activate this center.
It is located at the base of the neck. Linked to the thyroid and parathyroid, which regulate growth and thin the nervous system, as well as the lungs and vocal cords. The laryngeal chakra is concerned with communication through the spoken word. It is also linked with “inner voices” and clairvoyance and telepathy. Its functional meaning is the spoken word. Soul energy is expressed through the throat chakra. Its color is blue.
In Sanskrit * Vishudda Chackra *. A good way to stimulate this center is to produce sounds with your own voice, sounds that come to mind.
The functional meaning is the action and responds in medium blue color.
It is located behind the forehead above the bridge of the nose (third view). It is concerning how we perceive reality and power, it is the psychic command post. Its functional meaning is mental power and the ability to see reality behind appearances. It encompasses the plane of consciousness, where we come to ecstasy, samadhi, nirvana. Reveals the vision of the future. Indigo color.
In Sanskrit * Ajna Chackra *. Meditation songs stimulate this center.
It is above the top of the head. It is connected with the pituitary gland that governs the other glands, concerning knowledge, wisdom and intuition. Where higher levels of consciousness are reached. Where we find our true self, where we feel the Divine. This center receives sunbeams, along with the root center, we get polarized between the sun and the earth. It is the center of the Higher Self. In Sanskrit * Sahashara Chakra *. This center can be stimulated by the use of flutes, harps, bells, or angelic sounds.
Each center (chakra) corresponds to a human power. They are awakened through breaths, songs of power, sounds, colors, meditations, concentrations, power plants and spiritual experiences. They also represent the endocrine glands.
In the specific cases of the Crown and Third Vision centers, some traditions contradict each other by attributing respectively the Pineal and Pituitary glands and vice versa.
According to the Hopis, Native Americans, the human body and its vibrational centers are reflections of the Earth's body. The symbol of the lowest center is the "Snake", the manifestation of Mother Earth that gives light to all life. This vibrational center is linked to Kopavi, the "Open Door", the highest vibrational center. The Kopavi symbol is an "Antelope". The Snake and Antelope together are the expression of the polarity of life. When we breathe Kopavi, which is the famous “fontanelle”, moves smoothly from top to bottom. The pulse of our fontanelle is the expression of our communication with the Creator, responds in violet color.